It all started when...

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An Art major and a Business major fell in love. Bryan liked taking things apart to learn how they worked, and then putting them back together, sometimes differently, to improve the original piece. Sabrina liked putting things in their exact place, labeling them, and making sure they were easily found by anyone who might be looking.

We were opposites that attracted, and didn’t realize how much our differences would come in handy down the line when starting our own business.

At the time, we were in our twenties and loved hosting parties (and how can you be in your twenties and not constantly play beer pong?!?). We decided to make the game a little more classy. “How is this possible?” you might ask. “Isn't beer pong already the classiest game of all?” Well it is now. 


Our first beer pong table had two mosaics with 2000 personal pictures of us, our family, and our friends; it had water troughs with flowing water that brought the ball back to the shooter (in place of a water cup), and the water troughs lit up! It became a hit and at every party, everyone wanted to play on that table.


Fast forward 15 years and we have come a long way! We have improved the design, and hold a patent for our handmade beer pong tables. We own a home with an on-site workshop, and we have branched out from beer pong tables alone to making countless stunning, custom pieces for our clients.

Bryan gets to fulfill his passion using his artistic expertise, and years as a meticulous craftsman to give fallen trees a second life. He pours his heart and soul into each build and makes sure each piece is perfect before it goes to the client’s home.

Sabrina puts her love of all things organizational and her degree and experience in Business Administration, along with her background in Human Resources and Marketing, to use in managing the office. She takes pride in handling the behind the scenes endeavors that keep the company operating efficiently.

Bryan and Sabrina have a company rule they follow before letting anything leave the workshop. “If we don’t want to keep it ourselves, it’s not ready for the client yet.” Every project is personal to us. We’re thankful our clients are letting us live our dream, so we don’t want them to settle for anything less than excellence.


As our business grows, so does the next generation of Old Mountain Woodworkers! Our three children, Mary, Liliana, and Ethan, love being in the workshop and in the office to learn the ways of the family business.

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